Critical Skills Employment Permits

critical skills employment permits

Critical Skills Employment Permits are available for two types of roles: Critical Skills Employment Permits differ from General Employment Permits in a number of ways, including: If you would like our assistance with a Critical Skills Employment Permit application or are seeking advice on employment permits in general, please do not hesitate to contact us … Read more

Types of Employment Permit: Understanding the Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit and the Internship Employment Permit

The Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit and Internship Employment Permit are two separate programmes that enable individuals to work in Ireland for a specific duration. Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit For non-EEA nationals who are employed by a company abroad but wish to work in Ireland for a period of time to complete training or provide expertise, … Read more

Irish Citizenship by Descent

Ireland, known for its rich history, picturesque landscapes, and warm hospitality, has become an attractive destination for many individuals seeking to connect with their Irish roots. In some cases, a person’s Irish heritage may even mean they can become an Irish citizen. This is known as citizenship by descent and the application to become a … Read more

Registering a Foreign Adoption

For any adoption which took place abroad to have legal effect in Ireland it must first be registered with the Adoption Authority of Ireland (AAI). In 2010 the law in relation to adoption changed substantially with the Adoption Act 2010. As a result, the AAI will only recognise two types of foreign adoptions which have … Read more

Adoption and Irish Citizenship

There are a number of ways a person can be entitled to Irish citizenship. Aside from applying for citizenship through naturalisation or Foreign Birth Registration, a person who was not born in Ireland will automatically be an Irish citizen if one of their parents was an Irish citizen at the time of their birth and … Read more